I've recently been listening to the
Stackoverflow podcast. Jeff Atwood has commented a couple times about how he feels he has not produced anything until it's public. That's how he gets his satisfaction at the end of the day - knowing something is out there that can be read or reused.
I've been focusing far too much on code. I thought I would start blogging as soon as I get the web application online. This is too late.
Start blogging before releasing any software. There are four real benefits of getting stuff out regularly onto the web.
Your UsersBy talking about something you usually gather interest. If these people like what you are talking about, then they should like the software once its released.
ReputationYou will build a reputation of expertise in your particular area. This is great for networking and future job prospects.
CV / RésuméHaving a well written blog on a subject relating to a job is bound to impress prospective employers. It's going to put you ahead of that other candidate without the blog.
Content Is KingAll webmasters should know that content is king on the Internet. Regular postings of content will build up to substantial amounts over years.
Oh dear. Looks like I've made another big mistake. Why didn't I start blogging from day 1? I did release my company blog a few months ago, but nobody will be interested in the company until they have interest in the company's products.
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