I came accross a blog post with advice from Marc Hedlund, co-founder and CEO of Wesabe.
A couple points he discussed really struck a cord with me.
"Write someone and ask them for help every day"
Friends, family, strangers on forums, anybody. If they could help, I think it's worth a try. This ties in with my last post about being too quiet. I try and solve all problems myself. Most of the time people actually like to help. I'm going to act on this advise and try to contact at least one person every day.
"Don’t get caught up thinking you need someone, just anyone, to support you. It’s far better to wait for a star."
In the early days I was concerned that I was lone founder. I thought a lot about ways that I could get another founder on board. What I never considered was being open about what I am doing. By being open, people may actually want to join me or help the company in some way.
I'm working on rectifying my mistakes by launching the website with a basic blog and writing about my story so far.
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